o Added the ability to drop a folder on ClipPad's Finder icon. This should have been there and got overlooked in 1.6.
o Fixed a bug where default folder button remained disabled if you are in the default folder and dropped a clipping from another folder on ClipPad's Finder icon.
New in 1.6
o Go To Default Folder (Go menu). Long over looked, I finally added a menu item to go to the default folder. The command key is command-~ which is equal to command-shift-`
o Scratch Pad - CP 1.6 adds a new empty window which can be used to temporarily store data. Useful for breaking up text into many clippings or combining many clippings into one.
o Drag text onto the ClipPad window to create a new text clipping in the current folder with the dragged text.
o Drag text onto the Open button in the ClipPad window and a dialog will popup so you can select the folder where you want to store the new clipping
o New "dirty" icon. The file's icon at the top of the ClipPad window (just above the filename field) changes to show a pencil in the upper right corner when the file needs to be saved.
o New file list (Go menu). The file list is a floating window that displays all clippings' name, date, and type. You can sort the list by any column and choose to display icons or not.
o New ability to enter the text you choose as the default text for a new clipping.
o Contextual menu for picture clippings that lets you copy the image to the clipboard.